Monday, September 8, 2014

Texans 1st Game of 2014

Football Party

1st game of the season for the Texans so we had to celebrate! Pool party with lots and lots and lots of food!!! So it was football and eating all day long! Texans got a Win and we got to party. 

Football field table with a few sweets 

 I didn't get to take a picture of all the food but this was just one of the many foods on the menu

 Im pretty proud of those "bleachers"

 Field goal post made out of pvc pipes

Foam Glow 5K


So..... this was NOT my idea. A certain someone asked if I wanted to do it and it spun off from there. We had a great time (except for the running part lol) We were soaked from head to toe from all the foam. I think my toes were an orange color for a few days :) Can't wait till the next one!

 Pre Foam Party


You can tell who was late! lol

Minutes from starting the run

Sorta clean still!

She's the best!!!

Group shot!
My face was already stained with the pink foam and pink dust!

1st Day of Pre-K

1st Day of Pre-K

The day finally arrived! Feels like I closed my eyes and time flew by. I woke up that morning,  sat up and wondered what my baby would expect that morning....While pregnant, when I felt his little flutters in my tummy I would sit and wonder who he would look like, what kind of personality he would have, the first steps and of course his very 1st day of school. I just can't believe that day has arrived! I just wasn't ready for it... but he was. He kissed me and waved goodbye- no hesitation-  and walked away and entered his "big school" .... 

He had a great first day and I'm sure he'll have a great year! My baby is no longer a baby....

Jacob's Pirate Party

"Pirate" Party

I am going thru all these old pictures and realized I skipped over Jake's 3rd birthday :o 
Haha! Well I really didn't do much for this party. Party theme was inspired by his Halloween costume- PIRATE! soooo..... we went with that 
This was the picture I used for the invitation

The Invitation

The main table
I put my dad to work with this prop

The birthday boy ready to hunt for treasure

Cupcakes and cake
I see some marshmallow pirates in the background ;)

Brownie pops.. I added some striped scrapbook paper to make it look like sails

He sure can make us say yes to anything with that face!

Some yummy brisket tacos!

The White's :)

Nichole's Baby Shower

"You Are My Sunshine" Baby Shower

My nephew is already here so this is a late post.
Baby shower for my sister in law Nichole! Had to go with the chevron + grey and yellow color combo. I had been so busy with Jacob's birthday party that this was all done in a bit of a rush. We were afraid baby was going to be born way early since he had been scaring us but thankfully he stayed in mommy's tummy until he was good and ready to come out :)

The main table

Cake Pops

Chocolate covered strawberries

Im in love with the grey and yellow combination! And of course chevron :)
Favors for the guests

Used onsies once again to decorate above the fireplace.

Picked up a few small yellow bottles for double purpose-  
decor and games

Chocolate covered pretzels


Ribbon topiaries

Table centerpieces

Baby gets to use onsies since the letters can be removed

" You are my Sunshine"

Overall a successful event!